Rotary Club of Paso Robles Announces $100,000 in Scholarships for 2025 Graduates Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2025-01-29 08:00:00Z 0 Scholarships
200 Towels for ECHO Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2024-11-24 08:00:00Z 0 Paso Robles
$2,500 Donation to Youth Works Paso Robles Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2024-11-21 08:00:00Z 0 Community,Kids,Paso Robles
Supporting cancer care in Paso Robles with Project Hope Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2024-11-14 08:00:00Z 0
Old Timers Barbeque Luncheon 2024 a Success Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2024-10-10 07:00:00Z 0 Paso Robles

Winemakers' Cookoff Celebrates the 2024 Winners

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The Winemakers' Cookoff gives local wineries and breweries a chance to showcase more than what they can pour, but their culinary skills as well.  The event offers four competition categories for participants: the People’s Choice Award, Judges’ Award, Professional Chef Award, and Spirit Award. Meet the 2024 winners!
Winemakers' Cookoff Celebrates the 2024 Winners Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2024-08-16 07:00:00Z 0 Winemakers Cookoff

Rotary Club of Paso Robles Awards $94,000 in Scholarships to Local High School Seniors

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The Rotary Club of Paso Robles recently awarded over $94,000 in scholarships to local high school seniors. The awards were largely made possible by the annual Paso Robles Rotary Winemakers’ Cookoff. All proceeds from this event go to the Harlow Ford Scholarship Fund dedicated to funding scholarships for local high school seniors at Paso Robles High School and Liberty High School to attend trade schools, community colleges, and universities. 
Rotary Club of Paso Robles Awards $94,000 in Scholarships to Local High School Seniors  Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2024-06-17 07:00:00Z 0 Kids,Paso Robles,Scholarships,Winemakers Cookoff
Donating a New AED Cabinet at Barney Schwartz Park Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2024-04-09 07:00:00Z 0 Community,Paso Robles
Rotary Club of Paso Robles 100th Anniversary Celebration Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2023-12-02 08:00:00Z 0 Community,Paso Robles
Paso Robles Wineries and Breweries Share Food and Fundraising at 24th Winemakers' Cookoff Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2023-08-04 07:00:00Z 0 Paso Robles,Winemakers Cookoff
Reception for District 5240 Rotary Governor Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2023-07-27 07:00:00Z 0
Celebrating Our Golden Year President Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2023-07-18 07:00:00Z 0 Paso Robles
Giving Dictionaries to Paso Robles Kids Linda Midkiff 2023-06-19 07:00:00Z 0 Community,Kids,Paso Robles
Thank You 2022-2023 Rotarians for our 99th Year! Lacey Clifton-Jensen 2023-06-09 07:00:00Z 0 Paso Robles

Paso Robles Rotary Welcomes Back 30th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser

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This is the 30th year that the Paso Robles Rotary Club has organized this special golf tournament, ‘tee it up for OUR kids’ sponsored by Sky River RV. Over the last seven years, we’ve raised over $230,000 and all of the proceeds are donated to organizations that support OUR kids who live in Paso Robles.

We wrote checks to the Boys and Girls Club, CASA, Youth Arts Foundation, Children’s Museum,  Boy Scouts, Morning Star Youth Ranch, Youth Soccer, Youth Works and SKILLS USA.

Our event is expected to draw over 88 players and participating businesses. There are several levels of sponsorship.


Learn more at: 

Paso Robles Rotary Welcomes Back 30th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser Rick Goree 2023-04-21 07:00:00Z 0
Eyeglasses in Costa Rica Lacey Clifton 2020-05-12 07:00:00Z 0
Salinas Riverbed Cleanup - Giving Back to our Paso Robles Community Lacey Clifton 2019-09-22 07:00:00Z 0 Community,Paso Robles

Paso Robles Rotary Club History

Posted by Brenda Cressey on Aug 21, 2012
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In early 1922, J. Valentine Wachtel Jr., president of the Paso Robles National Bank, became interested in forming a Rotary Club.  He initiated an exchange of correspondence with Homer Hayward of the Salinas Rotary Club, John Williams of the 2nd Rotary District and Guy Gundaker, the President of Rotary International.  This culminated in a formal application to Rotary International on November 13, 1923.  The original charter for the Paso Robles Rotary Club (#1602) was dated January 15, 1924 and was formally presented at a special banquet at the Paso Robles Hot Springs Hotel on March 15, 1924.  This affair was attended by the 19 charter members and their wives as well as members from the Rotary Clubs of Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Monterey and the sponsoring club, Salinas.  “Val” Wachtel became the first president with Directors, Ellsworth Harrold (secretary), R.C. Heaton, Ray B. Lyon and Frank Booth.

Originally the weekly meetings were held at the Taylor Hotel.  In 1929, they were moved to the Paso Robles Hot Springs Hotel.  Meetings returned to the Taylor Hotel in 1931 and back to the “new” Paso Robles Inn in 1942.  In 1978, requirements for more space triggered a move to Joshua’s Restaurant at 13th & Vine.  Following the closure of Joshua’s, the meeting place was moved to the Paso Robles Golf Club.  In 2004, the meetings were brought back to the historic Paso Robles Inn Ballroom after this facility had been restored.

In July 1963, the Paso Robles Rotary Club was incorporated under the Law of the State of California.  In July 1988, Paso Robles Rotary Service, Inc. was organized as a separate corporation to administer, the charitable activities of the Rotary Club.  The IRS, granted this corporation Tax Free Charitable Organization status the same year.

By the end of the 1928-29 presidential term the membership had grown to 36 and increased steadily throughout the years until 1987-1988 when it hit 112.  Since that time, it has remained fairly constant around 120.

Among other charitable works, Paso Robles Rotary Service, Inc. regularly supports youth of the community through grants to students and school projects, and awards numerous scholarships to Paso Robles High School students to further their education after high school.  The Rotary Club is a charter organization for Boy Scout Troop 60 and is the trustee of a property used by the Boy Scouts for their meetings.  The club is very active in local and world community service projects and is one of the few Rotary Clubs in the United States that participate in the Open World Program and their Harlow Ford Scholarship Foundation continues to thrive with successful fundraising events such as the Annual Rotary Winemaker's Cookoff.

Paso Robles Rotary Club History Brenda Cressey 2012-08-22 00:00:00Z 0
This is Rotary Brenda Cressey 0
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